Presentation materials
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Angela Bracco
(Università di Milano e INFN)
03/06/2023, 09:00
- Approval of the Minutes of the past NSS and AGM held at SURA (Minutes are attached)
- Current membership of IUPAP WG.9
- News from IUPAP
Angela Bracco
(Università di Milano e INFN)
03/06/2023, 09:15
- Charges to IUPAP WG.9:
- Actions to be taken.
Angela Bracco
(Università di Milano e INFN),
Iris Dillmann
03/06/2023, 09:25
Organisational responsibilities; Funding agencies representation; Date and venue
Angela Bracco
(Università di Milano e INFN),
Iris Dillmann
03/06/2023, 09:40