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October 31, 2018 to November 4, 2018
UBC Robson Square
America/Vancouver timezone

HALO-1kt: A massive helium and lead observatory for supernova neutrinos

Nov 1, 2018, 6:18 PM
Room C215 (UBC Robson Square)

Room C215

UBC Robson Square


Dr Matthew Geske (Gonzaga University)


HALO-1kt is a supernova neutrino observatory which would leverage 1000 tonnes of lead from the decommissioned OPERA experiment to create a low cost and low maintenance neutrino detector. It is to be sited at LNGS, and is intended to operate as a scaled up version of the original HALO. Due to its sensitivity to $\nu_e$, it is complementary to water Cherenkov and liquid scintillator-based detectors. Design is currently in progress.

Primary author

Dr Matthew Geske (Gonzaga University)

Presentation materials

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