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31 October 2018 to 4 November 2018
UBC Robson Square
America/Vancouver timezone

WATCHMAN: Neutrino Physics and Non-Proliferation

Not scheduled
Theatre (Room C300) (UBC Robson Square)

Theatre (Room C300)

UBC Robson Square

800 Robson St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 3B7


Prof. Christopher Mauger (University of Pennsylvania)


WATCHMAN (Water Cherenkov Monitor of AntiNeutrinos) is an international collaboration whose purpose is to demonstrate the feasibility of using a gadolinium-doped water Cherenkov detector to detect electron anti-neutrinos emitted by distant nuclear reactors. Nuclear reactors produce high fluxes of anti-neutrinos during operation and have been exploited by many experiments during the entire epoch of experimental neutrino physics. Given the high fluxes, WATCHMAN aims to demonstrate a method to determine the existence or non-existence of hidden reactors at distances of hundreds of kilometers away from a detector location. The key game-changing ingredient is gadolinium-loaded water as the detection medium which enables neutron detection and thus detection of the delayed coincidence signal induced by electron anti-neutrino interactions with free protons. This technology can feasibly be scaled to megatons of mass - making detection of low-power reactors at long distances possible. WATCHMAN employs a kiloton-scale detector in the Boulby Mine in the United Kingdom to measure anti-neutrinos from the Hartlepool reactor complex. The current status of the project will be discussed.

Primary author

Prof. Christopher Mauger (University of Pennsylvania)


Presentation materials

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