The shuttle bus will leave at 8am at Blue Horizon and 8:15am at Marriott residence. We will provide more details later.
The return bus will leave TRIUMF at noon to downtown and Canada line station. For those of you who need to catch earlier flight, we can arrange a taxi. It is also possible to take public transit, but you will have to walk from 16th avenue at Wesbrook Mall (~10 minutes walk) due to the marathon event taking place on Nov.4.
There are a few points to keep in mind:
- The day-light saving time ends on Nov.4 early in the morning. This means you
can sleep in an extra one hour on Nov.4.
- The bus to TRIUMF will not be running due to the marathon event closing the marine drive.
- Please avoid wearing high heels during the tour for safety reason.
- Please avoid wearing short skirt as you will use some steep stairs.
- You can carry a backpack, but not a suit case. You will be able to leave the
suitcase in the auditorium where we give a safety instruction.
After the tour, you could also have a chance to walk the trails in the forest behind TRIUMF (Pacific Spirit Regional Park) or visit UBC Anthropology Museum, Nitobe garden, and botanical garden. TRIUMF cafeteria will be closed on Sunday, but there are restaurants and a supermarket near Wesbrook Mall and 16th.