R-Process Theory
- Jason Holt (TRIUMF)
Almudena Arcones
(Technical University of Munich)
7/18/18, 10:40 AM
The r-process occurs in neutron star mergers. This has been confirmed by the observation of the decay of neutron rich radioactive nuclei as a kilonova light curve after the neutron star merger detected with gravitational waves GW170817. We study the nucleosynthesis and kilonova light curves from different ejecta of neutron star mergers discussing the astrophysical and nuclear physics...
Matthew Mumpower
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
7/18/18, 11:10 AM
Last August marked the first observation of gravitational waves and electromagnetic signals from the merging of two neutron stars sending ripples through the astrophysics, atomic physics, nuclear physics and gravitational wave communities. In some components of neutron star merger ejecta fission is thought to re-cycle the material and impact the abundances. I will focus the talk on the...
Ragnar Stroberg
(Reed College)
7/18/18, 11:40 AM
The past decade or so has seen great progress in applying effective field theory ideas and non-perturbative many-body methods towards the quantitative prediction of the structure of light nuclei. I will give a brief overview of this program and discuss work in progress to extend this success up the nuclear chart beyond A=100, with a focus on binding energies, beta decay, and the limits of stability.