Meeting ID: 943 0035 9157 Passcode: 4321
- The ATLAS Tier-1 is well established with ongoing 24/7 operations and commitment.
- No additional personnel nor capital for infrastructure and equipment is being requested from TRIUMF in the next 5YP.
- Plan is for continuing 24/7 Tier-1 operations with existing TRIUMF staff complement.
- The new proposal for the CFI IF 2025 competition will cover hardware refresh and significant expansion for the HL-LHC. The proposal also includes capital for additional personnel for software and computing R&D for the HL-LHC era. The new CFI would effectively cover the 2027-2031 time period when taking into account anticipated timeline for award finalization and in securing provincial matching funds.
- The CFI IF 2025 would also bring infrastructure operating funds (IOF), as well as capital for personnel to deploy the new infrastructure. The IOF will be primarily be used to cover existing Tier-1 personnel salaries as was the case with prior CFI awards.
-In parallel to the work on the CFI proposal, we have also been exploring and discussing, since last year, with the Digital Research Alliance of Canada (or Alliance) to potentially provide either partial or full support for the Tier-1 centre going forward. The Alliance is also working on its funding request for the 2025-2030 period. Nigel Smith is aware of these discussions.