Events in our system are self-managed.  Group and event managers are encouraged to review privacy and security settings, and adjust them if needed.  If you need assistance please contact Indico Support - contact Help at bottom of page.

Jul 10 – 15, 2016
St. Mary's University
US/Pacific timezone

Welcome to DREB 2016

Abstract submission is now closed.

If you require assistance please contact Jana at:

Please refer to the Timetable for the latest program of oral presentations.

Listing of POSTER presentations

InDiCo Timetable from "More" on tab menu.  Choose "compact style"

Please review the Upload Information Page  for how to upload your talk

Conference program emailed June 20, 2016  -- here --

Conference Abstract Booklet on USB stick


Oral sessions will be held in the Scotiabank Theatre at St. Mary’s University. A preview/testing area is available for speakers - please speak to Jana at Registration.  Please note that all speakers must give their presentations using the computer system that is in the session room. Use of individual laptops cannot be accommodated. All talks MUST be uploaded to InDiCo at least 24 hours in advance.  If you replace the talk on InDiCo within this time period you must inform Jana to ensure the correct talk is on the presentation computer system.


Please refer to the 3rd Circular for details not covered here.



St. Mary's University
Scotiabank Theatre
923 Robie Street Halifax Nova Scotia