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15–18 Feb 2018
Canada/Eastern timezone

A Cryogenic Underground TEst facility (CUTE) for SuperCDMS (student talk)

15 Feb 2018, 20:45


Mr Richard Germond (Queens University)


Many astronomical and cosmological observations have led to the conclusion that approximately 85% of the mass content of the universe is composed of non-baryonic dark matter that interacts weakly with ordinary matter. The Super Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (SuperCDMS) experiment operates cryogenic semiconductor detectors to observe rare signals produced by dark matter particles colliding in the detector. Prior to the full deployment of SuperCDMS SNOLAB, the Cryogenic Underground TEst facility (CUTE) will provide a low background setting in SNOLAB for SuperCDMS to test and characterize detectors, study the internal and environmental backgrounds, and potentially obtain early dark matter search data.

Primary author

Mr Richard Germond (Queens University)

Presentation materials