Geoffrey Fathom Grinyer
(University of Regina)
The Active Target and Time Projection Chamber (ACTAR TPC) is an ambitious European project whose goal is to design and construct a high-luminosity gas-filled detector to study reactions and decays of rare isotopes. The core detection system consists of a micro-pattern gaseous detector coupled to a highly pixelated pad plane with a pitch of only 2x2 mm2. Both the channel density (25 channels/cm2) and total number of channels (16384) are the highest that have been achieved by any nuclear physics detector to date. In this talk, I will provide an overview of the project, present new results from a recent commissioning experiment and describe the day one physics programs for ACTAR TPC when it goes online at the GANIL laboratory in France in 2018.
Primary author
Geoffrey Fathom Grinyer
(University of Regina)