Audience Tips & Tricks with Zoom [PDF]
Tips & Tricks for Audience members joining the symposium
- Join the conference using the Zoom link (provided below and on the overview page)
- You may find the use of headphones, if possible, may improve audio quality
- You may like to turn off your phone ringer and/or any audible email reminders so your are not distracted and can enjoy the symposium.
- Please remain muted during the presentations. If you have not done so, the moderator will mute all participants.
- Please unmute only when the Conveynor has asked you to do so.
Bandwidth and Internet Connectivity
Please check your setup ahead of time and make contingency plans if your setup fails during the symposium. For example, if you start experiencing bandwidth issues, be prepared to switch off your video and just use your computer’s audio to listen to the talks. You might like to keep a phone handy and the Zoom phone dial-in number in the event that you lose internet connectivity during your talk. You can rejoin the event from a phone line. Often the audio is much better on the phone line.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 694 2420 4697
Passcode: 101285
One tap mobile
+17789072071,,69424204697#,,,,*101285# Canada
+12042727920,,69424204697#,,,,*101285# Canada
Dial by your location
+1 778 907 2071 Canada
+1 204 272 7920 Canada
+1 438 809 7799 Canada
+1 587 328 1099 Canada
+1 613 209 3054 Canada
+1 647 374 4685 Canada
+1 647 375 2970 Canada
+1 647 375 2971 Canada
Meeting ID: 694 2420 4697
Passcode: 101285
Find your local number:
Communications with Conference Organizers
We will be broadcasting live, so if you have a question for us, please do not unmute and ask your question while connected to Zoom. Please use the Chat feature and direct your question to an individual or everyone. You can also raise your hand (Zoom feature) to communicate with the conference organizers if you have questions. Failing that, send an email. Please take care to select that your Chat is sent to “Everyone” if it is a question about the talk, your chat will be broadcast to all of the conference attendees. During the talks if you need help choose a specific person and send a direct message in the Chat to them.
If you have questions or concerns please address them to one of the Organizers
Answering Questions After Your Talk
Conference attendees will have the ability to ask questions via a live Q&A window (Chat) in Zoom during the conference.There will be no Q&A session after a talk, unless time allows for it. Staff will be monitoring the Chat.
You may like to join us at the Virtual Town of Gather.Town:
Gather.Town is a virtual space where you can meet virtually with friends and colleagues you have cross paths with over the years.