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Apr 1 – 5, 2019
Fairmont Château Laurier Hotel
UTC timezone

Chemical Purification of Actinium-225 from Proton-Irradiated Thorium Targets

Not scheduled
Fairmont Château Laurier Hotel

Fairmont Château Laurier Hotel


Dr Ashley Dame (Oak Ridge National Labratory)


The chemical separation of actinium from proton-irradiated 232Th targets is being performed as part of a tri-laboratory (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and Los Alamos National Laboratory) effort focused on the accelerator production of 225Ac. Actinium-225 (t1/2 = 9.92 days) is produced by proton irradiation of a thorium metal target via the 232Th[p,x]225Ac reaction and can be used in targeted alpha therapy applications. The irradiation produces a suite of radioisotopes, including fission products, that must be chemically separated from actinium, as well as a vast excess of thorium. This separation is achieved by chemically processing irradiated thorium targets through a series of ion separation and extraction chromatography columns. This effort has produced purified 225Ac over 15 campaigns, providing material for use in targeted alpha therapy research and development.
Funding Agency DOE, Office of Nuclear Physics, Isotope Program
Email Address
Presentation Type Poster

Primary author

Dr Ashley Dame (Oak Ridge National Labratory)


Ms Allison Peacock (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Dr Cathy Cutler (Brookhaven National Labraotry) Mr Daniel Stracner (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Mr David Denton (Oak Ridge National Labratory) Mr Dmitri Medvedev (Brookhaven National Labratory) Dr Eva Birnbaum (Los Alamos National Labraotry) Jonathan Fitzsimmons (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Mr Joseph Wright (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Dr Justin Griswold (Oak Ridge National Labraotry) Ms Karen Murphy (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Mr Kevin Gaddis (Oak Ridge National Labratory) Kevin John (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Mr Lance Wyant (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Mr Leonard Mausner (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Dr MICHAEL FASSBENDER (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Dr Meiring Nortier Nortier (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Dr Roy Copping (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Dr Saed Mirzadeh (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Dr Sandra Davern (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Dr Tara Mastren (Los Alamos National Labratory) Dr Valery Radchenko (TRIUMF) Dr rose boll (ORNL)

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