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31 October 2018 to 4 November 2018
UBC Robson Square
America/Vancouver timezone

Systematic errors in Borexino Solar and Geoneutrino Analyses

1 Nov 2018, 16:20
Theatre (Room C300) (UBC Robson Square)

Theatre (Room C300)

UBC Robson Square

800 Robson St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 3B7


Prof. Livia Ludhova Ludhova (Forschungszentrum Juelich)


Borexino is the world radio-purest large-volume liquid-scintillator detector placed at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy. Since the start of its data taking in May 2007, it has provided several measurements of solar neutrinos and geoneutrinos. Recently, Borexino has released new results concerning comprehensive spectroscopy of the pp-chain solar neutrinos. The talk will brifely summarize the latest Borexino results and will then focus on the description of the main sources of the systematic uncertainties. Since both solar and geoneutrino analyses are important scientific goals of the future large-volume liquid-scintillator experiments, particular attention will be payed to the description of methods developed for the estimation of the dominant systematic errors.

Primary author

Prof. Livia Ludhova Ludhova (Forschungszentrum Juelich)

Presentation materials