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May 6 – 10, 2019
Canada/Pacific timezone

Production of Lambda_b baryon and B0s mesons at LHCb

May 7, 2019, 4:30 PM
Elliott 162

Elliott 162

Contributed Oral Heavy Quark Decays and CKM Metrology Parallel session 2


Siim Tolk (LHCb)


Heavy hadron production is well-suited as a benchmark process for understanding QCD. While b-quark production properties can be estimated within perturbative QCD, the subsequent fragmentation into a b hadron is a non-perturbative process and cannot be calculated from the first principles. Our understanding of fragmentation functions and fractions thus relies solely on experimental input. Recently, LHCb have taken a closer look at the properties of Lambda_b baryon and B_s meson production. The new results demonstrate that b-quark fragmentation clearly depends on the kinematics of the hadrons produced, and shed welcome light on B_s production.

Primary authors

Katharina Mueller (University of Zurich) Siim Tolk (LHCb)

Presentation materials