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May 6 – 10, 2019
Canada/Pacific timezone

Combined explanation of the B-anomalies.

May 7, 2019, 4:45 PM
Bob Wright, B150

Bob Wright, B150

Contributed Oral Rare Decays of Hadrons and Leptons Parallel session 1


Dr Jacky Kumar (University of Montreal, Montreal)


There are four models of tree-level new physics (NP) that can potentially simultaneously explain the $b \to s \mu^+\mu^-$ and $b \to c \ell^- {\bar\nu}$ anomalies. They are the S3, U3, and U1 leptoquarks, and a triplet of standard-model-like vector bosons (VBs). In this talk, I describe an analysis of these models with general couplings. We find that, even in this most general case, $S_3$ and $U_3$ are excluded. For the U1 model, I discuss the importance of the constraints from lepton- flavor-violating processes. As for the VB model, it is shown to be excluded by the LHC bounds on high-mass resonant dimuon pairs. This conclusion is reached without any assumptions about the NP couplings.

Primary author

Dr Jacky Kumar (University of Montreal, Montreal)


Prof. David London (Universite de Montreal) Dr Ryoutaro Watanabe (INFN, Sezione di Roma Tre, 00146 Rome, Italy)

Presentation materials