ARIEL Town Hall Meeting

Auditorium (TRIUMF)



Kyle Leach (Dept. of Physics, Colorado School of Mines)
The TRIUMF Users Group (TUG) and the ARIEL project management team are hosting a Town Hall meeting in the TRIUMF Auditorium. This meeting is part of the ongoing consultation process with the TRIUMF user community. The Town Hall format will provide users with an opportunity to ask questions, provide initial feedback on the current planned project phases, and explore ways in which they can potentially contribute to the ARIEL project. All interested parties are invited to attend. The preliminary schedule can be found below. At the ARIEL Science Workshop this past summer, a request was made for the TUG to establish an ARIEL user committee to provide formal feedback on the planned project phases. The sub-group leaders are: - Chair: Kyle Leach (Mines), 2017 TUG Chair - Materials science: Andrew MacFarlane (UBC) - Nuclear medicine: Valery Radchenko (TRIUMF) - Precision measurements/Fundamental symmetries: Gerald Gwinner (U. Manitoba) - Nuclear astrophysics: Gavin Lotay (U. Surrey) - Nuclear structure: Rituparna Kanungo (St. Mary's) - Low-energy ARIEL/ISAC beams: Iris Dillmann (TRIUMF) - Accelerated ARIEL/ISAC beams: Kathrin Wimmer (U. Tokyo) During the meeting, these sub-group leaders will be tasked with collecting feedback from the user community. Following the Town Hall meeting, a response document will be prepared for the ARIEL project management team based on user inputs and comments regarding the proposed plan. Reiner Kruecken Deputy Director
ARIEL Scope and Timeline