1-n neutron and 2-protons pick-up reactions to study the unbound nucleus $^7$He
1pxn removal cross sections of light exotic nuclei and the role of final state interactions in projectile fragmentation
$\gamma$-spectroscopy of neutron-rich $^{79}$Cu through proton knock-out
$^{13}$Be studied by (p,2p) deep inelastic scattering reaction in complete kinematics
A candidate for linear-chain $\alpha$ clustering in $^{14}$C
A high-energy direct reaction study of $^{18}$B and $^{21}$C
A new probe into three-nucleon-force effects on reaction observables
A new study of $^{5}$H
Ab initio structure and reactions of light nuclei (Invited)
Advances in explosive nuclear astrophysics using radioactive beams
Break up reactions with exotic nuclei and the impact of core excitations: from $^{19}$C to $^{31}$Ne
Charge-changing cross section measurement of neutron-rich carbon isotopes at 50A MeV and determination of their proton distribution root-mean-square radii by using Glauber model
Competing particle-hole excitations in $^{30}$Na: constraining state-of-the-art effective interactions (Invited)
Coupling gamma-ray detection to an active target in a high magnetic field: the SpecMAT project for direct reaction studies
Deformation and halo structure through reaction cross sections
Description of transfer reactions with coupled-channels Born approximation
Direct reaction experiments with exotic beams (Keynote Talk)
Direct reactions with weakly-bound systems: a one-dimensional model
Direct rections for studies of nuclei beyond the drip-lines in correlation experiments at ACCULINNA-facility
Doppler-shift lifetime measurements in $^{94}$Sr using the TIGRESS integrated plunger
Elastic scattering of weakly bound nuclei $^{8}$B and $^{9,10,11}$C on $^{nat}$Pb target
Evolution of collectivity beyond N=60 for Kr isotopes: First spectroscopy of 98,100Kr
Experimental study of $^{25-28}$O with SAMURAI (Invited)
Experimental study of the knockout reaction mechanism using $^{14}$O at 60 MeV/nucleon
Extension of the ratio method to low energy and charged hal\oe s
First experimental signature of the giant pairing vibration in $^{14}$C and $^{15}$C nuclei (Invited)
Identification of multiple neutrons with MoNA
Inclusive deuteron-induced reactions
Inelastic proton scattering of Sn isotopes studied with GRETINA
Interaction cross section measurements of neutron-rich nuclei $^{17,19}$B
Investigation of $^{10}$Li resonance component in $^{11}$Li via the $^{11}$Li(p,d) reaction
Investigation of $^{11}$Li excited state through proton inelastic scattering
Island of inversion by microscopically derived shell-model Hamiltonian
Isoscalar excitation of the PYGMY dipole resonance in $^{68}$Ni
Isoscalar response of $^{68}$Ni to α-particle and deuteron probes (Invited)
Knockout to probe proton contributions to the B(E2) transition strength in the C isotopes
Linking nuclear reactions and nuclear structure to predict neutron skins
Locations of breakup in reactions near the fusion barrier (Invited)
Measurement of the $^{26}$Al(d,p) reaction to constrain the $^{26}$Al(p,gamma) rate at stellar temperatures
MUGAST: an highly-segmented particle array for the forthcoming science campaign with radioactive beams at GANIL
Multi-nucleon transfer reactions populating neutron-rich actinide nuclei for fission study
Neutron orbits near doubly-magic $^{78}$Ni and $^{132}$Sn from reactions with radioactive beams (Invited)
Neutron transfer reactions with exotic tin beams and neutron capture
Neutron-proton pairing in the self-conjugate unstable nuclei $^{56}$Ni and $^{52}$Fe through transfer reactions
Non-stationary approach to description of neutron transfer in reactions with $^{3,6,8}$He nuclei
Normal and intruder configurations in the island of inversion
Nuclear structure at the limits relevant to nuclear astrophysics
Nuclear structure beyond the drip-line: structure of $^9$He and $^{10}$N isotopes
Nuclear structure study for the neutron-rich nuclei beyond $^{132}$Sn
Pairing rotations in ground states of open-shell even-even deformed nuclei
Parity-transfer ($^{16}$O,$^{16}$F(0$^-$)) reaction for study of spin-dipole 0$^-$ mode
Probing neutron-proton correlation and 3N-force in $^{12}$C
Probing nuclear properties of imbalanced Fermi systems with quasi-free proton knockout reactions
Probing nuclear sizes of unstable nuclei with total reaction cross sections (Invited)
Probing nuclear structure with hydrogen-induced reactions : recent studies at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory, RIKEN (Invited)
Proton radii of neutron-rich isotopes from charge-changing cross section measurement (Invited)
Quasi-free proton knockout of $^{23,25}$F
Quasi-free proton knockout reactions on oxygen isotopic chain
Recent progress and future perspectives in the theory of direct reactions and exotic nuclei (Keynote Talk)
Recent results on direct reactions with stored radioactive beams and with active targets
Scattering of the halo nucleus $^{11}$Be on a heavy target at energies around the Coulomb barrier
Search for new halo states in nuclear ground and excited states with fast rare isotope beams
Shell evolution and spectroscopic factors
Shell evolution toward the island of inversion with $^{29}$Mg
Single particle structure and shapes of exotic Sr isotopes
Single-neutron states and the role of the $\nu$g$_{9/2}$ orbital in $^{71}$Zn
Single-particle structure of $^{17}$C
Single-particle structure of ¹²Be studied in quasi-free (p,pn)-reactions
Some aspects of the giant pairing vibration
Spins and decays in neutron-rich sodium isotopes via (d,p$_{\gamma}$)
Structure of $^{110}$Zr - first spectroscopy and its implications for shell evolution and the r-process
Structure of nuclei into the island of inversion from knockout reactions: $^{30,31}$Mg
Study of cluster structure in $^{16}$C via $\alpha$ inelastic scattering
Study of Gamow Teller strength from $^{132}$Sn via the inverse kinematics (p,n) reaction
Study of neutron-neutron correlation in Borromean nucleus $^{11}$Li via the (p,pn) reaction
Study of one- and two-neutron removal reactions with core + n + n model
Study of proton distribution of neutron-rich nitrogen isotopes through charge-changing cross section measurements
Study of the $^{30}$P(d,n)$^{31}$S reaction to probe astrophysical resonance strengths
Study of the resonance state(s) in $^{20}$Mg: astrophysical implications and understanding the nuclear forces
Systematic study of neutron-proton pairing in {\it sd}-shell nuclei via (p,$^{3}$He) and ($^{3}$He,p) transfer reactions
Tetraneutron states populated by $^4$He($^8$He,$^8$Be) reaction
The second 0$^+$ state of unbound 12O via the (p, t) reaction
Towards an ab initio description of nuclear radiative captures
Transfer reactions on high-spin nuclear isomers
Transfer to the continuum calculations of quasifree (p,pn) and (p,2p) reactions
Two-neutron decay of $^{16}$Be in a three-body model
Two-neutron halo of drip-line nuclei from the low-energy limit of neutron-neutron interaction
Two-neutron transfer reactions as a probe of isospin mixing effects in superallowed beta decay
Include materials from selected contributions