Aaron Chester
(Simon Fraser University)
Neutron-rich Sr isotopes are characterized by a sudden onset of
quadrupole deformation at neutron number $N=60$ demonstrated by the
dramatic drop in excitation energy of the first $2^+_1$ state. While
theoretical calculations reproduce this onset of deformation
qualitatively, they differ in the details of the deformation
parameters and excitation energies. Though the emphasis is usually put
on the sudden onset of collectivity at $N=60$, it is equally
surprising that there is no onset of collectivity when adding up to 8
neutrons beyond the $N=50$ shell closure, which points to an amazing
robustness of both the $Z=38$ and $Z=40$ proton (sub)-shell
closures. This retardation of the onset of collectivity was first
observed by Mach et al. [1] measuring extremely low $B(E2)$ values of
$\approx 10$ W.u. in even-even Sr isotopes from $^{90}$Sr to $^{96}$Sr
using the fast timing technique. These measurements have an
uncertainty of $\approx 40\%$ and are at the limit of the fast timing
technique with lifetimes of $\approx 10$~ps; a high precision lifetime
measurement in $^{94}$Sr will elucidate whether the onset of
collectivity is as sudden as generally assumed.
Intense re-accelerated beams
delivered by the ISAC-II facility at TRIUMF, Canada's national
laboratory for particle and nuclear physics, permit access to nuclear
structure information for a wide range of radionuclides via in-beam
gamma-ray spectroscopy with TIGRESS, a high-efficiency and
Compton-suppressed segmented HPGe array. To take advantage of this
opportunity, the TIGRESS Integrated Plunger (TIP) has been constructed
at Simon Fraser University [2]. The TIP infrastructure supports
Doppler-shift lifetime measurements via the Recoil Distance Method
(RDM) using a 24-element TIP CsI(Tl) wall for charged-particle
identification. An experiment aimed towards a high-precision ($<10$\%)
measurement of the $B(E2,2^+_1\rightarrow 0^+_1)$ reduced transition
probability in $^{94}$Sr was performed in December 2015 using
inelastic scattering near the Coulomb barrier coupled with an RDM
lifetime measurement of a radioactive $^{94}$Sr beam. A Geant4-based
code for TIP is being developed as a tool to aid the analysis and for
the optimization of future experiments. The device, experimental
approach, analysis, and preliminary results will be presented and
discussed. This work is presented on behalf of the TIP and TIGRESS
[1] Mach et al., Nucl. Phys. A 523 (1991) 197.
[2] P. Voss et al., Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A 746 (2014) 87.
Primary author
Aaron Chester
(Simon Fraser University)