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Feb 15 – 18, 2018
Canada/Eastern timezone

Compensation of Magnetic Fields at the TRIUMF nEDM Experiment (student talk)

Feb 16, 2018, 11:30 AM


Mr Shomi Ahmed (U of Manitoba/ U of Winnipeg - for the TUCAN Collaboration)


The existence of a non-zero neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM) would violate parity and time-reversal symmetry. Extensions to the Standard Model predict the nEDM to be $10^{-26}$ - $10^{-28}$ e-cm. The current best upper limit set by Sussex/RAL/ILL nEDM experiment is $3.0 \times 10^{-26}$ e-cm. The nEDM experiment at TRIUMF is aiming at the $10^{-27}$ e-cm sensitivity level. We are developing the world’s highest density source of UCN. The experiment requires a very stable ($<$~pT) and homogeneous ($<$~nT/m) magnetic field (B0) within the measurement cell. My involvement in the nEDM experiment is the development of active magnetic shielding to stabilize the external magnetic field by compensation coils. A prototype active magnetic shield has been tested at The University of Winnipeg. I will report on latest experimental results from this prototype and simulations conducted to understand the results. The magnetic environment at TRIUMF is more challenging than in our lab in Winnipeg, because of the closeness of the experiment to the TRIUMF cyclotron (B $\sim 350 - 400$ $\mu$T which is almost one order of magnitude larger than usual background fields) and the changing environment with iron. Studies of the implementation at TRIUMF will also be reported.

Primary author

Mr Shomi Ahmed (U of Manitoba/ U of Winnipeg - for the TUCAN Collaboration)

Presentation materials