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Aug 8 – 12, 2022
America/Vancouver timezone

Status of RAON and nuclear astrophysics at CENS

Aug 8, 2022, 11:10 AM
Auditorium (TRIUMF)




Kevin Hahn


The radioactive ion (RI) beam accelerator facility called RAON is under construction in Korea. It will produce RI beams by both the ISOL and In-flight methods. One of the experimental facilities called KoBRA is expected to carry out nuclear astrophysics experiments using both stable beams and RI beams in the early phase of RAON. Experiments using both stable and RI beams of tens of MeV/u are considered for understanding explosive nuclear synthesis in stellar sites such as X-ray bursts and novae. One of the main research objectives of the Center for Exotic Nuclear Studies (CENS), which was launched about 2.5 years ago, is to measure nuclear reactions that are important for understanding thermonuclear reaction processes such as the rp-process and the r-process. Several devices including Si array detectors and active target TPC are being developed. The status of RAON and research activities in nuclear astrophysics by CENS will be presented

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