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31 May 2019 to 1 June 2019
US/Pacific timezone

High-frequency gravitational-wave astronomy

1 Jun 2019, 11:00
Hennings 318 (UBC)

Hennings 318



Dr Huan Yang (Uniersity of Guelph)


In this talk I will discuss some recent development towards detecting gravitational waves in the kilo Hertz band. On the detector side, we propose a new interferometer design that significantly improves detector sensitivity above 1 kHz. On the science front, we identify several key questions that can be answered by combining high-frequency gravitational-wave detection and electromagnetic observation, including binary neutron star post-merger process, tests of modified gravity theories and understanding star disruption in black hole/neutron star mergers.

Primary authors

Dr Denis Martynov (University of Birmingham) Dr Huan Yang (Uniersity of Guelph)


Dr Haixing Miao (University of Birmingham)

Presentation materials