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Ian Affleck
- Author in The Majorana-Hubbard Model
- Mohammad Amin
- Sven Bachmann
- Mark Baker
- Rajat Bhaduri
Alex Bols
- Co-author in An index for interacting topological phases
- Pasquale Bosso
- Saurya Das
- Keshav Dasgupta
Wojciech De Roeck
- Co-author in An index for interacting topological phases
- Ariel Edery
Veronica Errasti-Diez
- Co-author in An Introduction to Knot Theory from String Theory
Martin Fraas
- Co-author in An index for interacting topological phases
Marcel Franz
- Co-author in The Majorana-Hubbard Model
- Alex Gezerlis
Felix Haehl
- Author in Quantum Chaos and Effective Field Theory
- Robie Hennigar
- Jason Holt
- Guillaume Hupin
Matthew Johnson
- Co-author in On Negative Mass
- Oleg Kabernik
Heather Logan
- Author in Custodial symmetry and the Higgs sector
- Denis Martynov
Alex May
- Author in Quantum tasks in holography
Evan McDonough
- Author in New Gravitational Probes of Dark Matter
Haixing Miao
- Co-author in High-frequency gravitational-wave astronomy
- Takayuki Miyagi
David Morrissey
- Author in Abstract Test
- Yu Nakayama
- Petr Navratil
- Pranjal Nayak
Manu Paranjape
- Author in On Negative Mass
Ramadevi Pichai
- Co-author in An Introduction to Knot Theory from String Theory
Dmitry Pikulin
- Co-author in The Majorana-Hubbard Model
- Réjean Plamondon
- Jason Pollack
- Sofia Quaglioni
Armin Rahmani
- Co-author in The Majorana-Hubbard Model
Antoine Savard
- Co-author in On Negative Mass
- Subramaniam Shankaranarayanan
- Noritaka Shimizu
- Ashish Shukla
Daniel Siegel
- Author in Forging the Universe's gold
- Petar Simidzija
- Ashmeet Singh
- Ronak Soni
Daniel Stolarski
- Author in Interference Effects in Higgs Decays
- Ragnar Stroberg
Sumati Surya
- Author in The SJ Vacuum in de Sitter Spacetime
- Dylan Sutherland
Natalia Tapia-Arellano
- Co-author in On Negative Mass
Radu Tatar
- Co-author in An Introduction to Knot Theory from String Theory
- Vasil Todorinov
- Sandip Trivedi
Tarun Tummuru
- Co-author in The Majorana-Hubbard Model
- William Unruh
- V. Vishal
- Matteo Vorabbi
Kyle Wamer
- Co-author in The Majorana-Hubbard Model
- Qingdi Wang
Nomaan X
- Author in The SJ Vacuum in de Sitter Spacetime
- Huan Yang
Yasaman Yazdi
- Author in The SJ Vacuum in de Sitter Spacetime
Xiaoyu Zhu
- Co-author in The Majorana-Hubbard Model