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9–13 Dec 2019
US/Pacific timezone

TRIUMF Irradiation Capabilities

9 Dec 2019, 15:45


4004 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 2A3 CANADA
Oral presentation 3rd Oral Session


Dr Ewart Blackmore (TRIUMF)


TRIUMF had been operating high intensity proton beams at >100 µA and 480-500 MeV over 40 years for producing pion, muon, neutron, radioactive ion beams and medical isotopes. During this time many radiation damage effects have been observed and measured. The highest fluences are on the meson production targets at about 1023 protons/cm2per year. TRIUMF has several locations for proton irradiation studies and these will be described along with a few examples of radiation damage measurements.

Primary author

Dr Ewart Blackmore (TRIUMF)

Presentation materials