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9–13 Dec 2019
US/Pacific timezone

Post-Irradiation Examination of Proton-Irradiated Beryllium

12 Dec 2019, 11:55


4004 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 2A3 CANADA
Oral presentation 9th Oral Session


Dr Andy Casella (PNNL)


Beryllium is currently of interest for use in beam-intercepting devices. As such, samples of multiple beryllium grades (PF-60, S-65F, S-200F, S-200FH, and ultra-high purity) were irradiated in the RaDIATE BLIP irradiation and subsequently shipped to PNNL for post irradiation examination. To date, dimensional measurements of irradiated samples and tensile tests of irradiated and unirradiated samples have been completed on two grades (PF-60 and S-65F). The tensile tests were completed at two different temperatures (room temperature and 300°C) and were used to determine ultimate tensile strength, uniform elongation, total elongation, and yield strength. Currently, preparations are being made for TEM examinations of these samples. Additionally, options for correlating EBSD to AFM thermal scans are being explored.

Primary author

Dr Andy Casella (PNNL)


Dr Danny Edwards (PNNL) Dr David Senor (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) Ramprashad Prabhakaran (PNNL) Dr Shawn Riechers (PNNL)

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