1st Oral Session: Applications with Radiation Damage
- Patrick Hurh (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
09/12/2019, 11:00
Oral presentation
The operation of the on-line isotope separator ISOLDE at CERN allows the production of a wide variety of radionuclides that are delivered in the form of Radioactive Ion Beams (RIBs) to different experimental setups installed in the ISOLDE beam lines. The radionuclides are produced in thick targets bombarded by the pulsed proton beam delivered by the Proton Synchrotron Booster (PSB). During the...
Yong Joong Lee
09/12/2019, 11:25
Oral presentation
The ESS Target Station is designed to convert the 2 GeV protons to a high flux of low energy neutrons for scientific research, at 5 MW beam power. It will start receiving proton beam from the linac for neutron production in 2022. Upon commissioning “beam-on-target,” the linac will deliver protons at 571 MeV, which is lower than the nominal value 2 GeV. During the initial operations phase after...
Shaohong WEI
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
09/12/2019, 11:50
Oral presentation
A 100 kW solid target was successfully developed for the CSNS phase one. Tungsten was selected as the CSNS target material and a layer of tantalum with a thickness of only 0.3mm as a protective layer. Eleven target blocks were fixed in parallel in a stainless steel target container with 1.2mm gap between each block. Using a specially designed spreader, the target plug can be easily replaced....
Luca Egoriti
09/12/2019, 12:15
Oral presentation
The Isotope Separation On Line (ISOL) method is adopted in several accelerator facilities around the world in order to produce a number of isotopes of interest for a variety of branches of science. At the core of ISOL facilities is a target and ion source assembly which has to withstand extreme temperature conditions and constant particle irradiation, which are both playing a role in the...