5th oral session: Radiation Damage Studies II
- Marco Calviani (CERN)
Inbal Gavish Segev
10/12/2019, 11:55
Oral presentation
Proton irradiation damage is a common problem in structural materials at accelerators and nuclear fusion reactors. This damage may result in the degradation of the mechanical properties of structural materials and jeopardize the safe operation of nuclear facilities.
Tungsten and tungsten alloys are utilized as building blocks of nuclear facilities, due to their excellent mechanical and...
Abraham Burleigh
(Illinois Institute of Technology, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
10/12/2019, 12:20
Oral presentation
Neutrino targets are constantly irradiated by high-energy protons to produce secondary particles that decay into neutrinos. Over time, radiation damage effects the macroscopic physical and structural properties of target materials and result in shortened operation lifetimes. The resulting decrease in the material’s thermal shock resistance combined with greater embrittlement results in an...
Slava Kuksenko
(United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority)
10/12/2019, 12:45
Oral presentation
Beryllium is an essential material for target components material in the currently running (NuMI) and near-future multi-megawatt accelerator particle sources (LBNF), reflectors and moderators in material testing nuclear reactors, plasma facing material (JET, ITER) and potential neutron multiplier (DEMO) for fusion reactor designs, and it is under extensive investigation by fission, fusion...