7th Oral session: Radiation Damage Modeling
- Mauricio Ponga (The University of British Columbia)
Ram Devanathan
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
11/12/2019, 11:30
Oral presentation
We present an overview of computer simulation methods used to study radiation damage from the atomic to the continuum scale. Within the framework of multiscale materials modeling, the study of irradiation damage and associated materials property degradation has required modifications tailored to the application. Particle irradiation damage in accelerator targets begins at the nanometer scale...
Sujit Bidhar
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab)
11/12/2019, 11:55
Oral presentation
Some of the NT02 target fin made up of isotropic POCO graphite grade has developed crack and fractured after few years of operation. The highly energetic pulsed proton beam with small beam sigma would create thermal stress wave as well as radiation damage such as displacement damage, void formation, swelling, gas formation among few. A complex interaction of dynamic loading due to beam,...
Yosuke Iwamoto
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
11/12/2019, 12:20
Oral presentation
The displacement per atom (dpa) value is widely used for the index of radiation damage in materials under high energy proton irradiation. It is possible to calculate dpa values using the screened Coulomb scattering theory for incident proton-nucleus collisions and the nuclear reaction model for nuclear reaction product-nucleus collisions in the high-energy region (>10 MeV). For defect...