9th Oral Session: Radiation Damage Studies III
- Ewart Blackmore
David Senor
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
12/12/2019, 11:30
Oral presentation
Currently titanium alloys are used as beam windows in several accelerator facilities due to favorable beam interaction properties, high tensile strength, and high fatigue strength. The T2K neutrino beam-line currently uses the alpha+beta alloy Ti-6Al-4V as the material for its primary beam window and target beam window. Planned upgrades to the accelerators to 1.3 MW will require pushing the...
Andy Casella
12/12/2019, 11:55
Oral presentation
Beryllium is currently of interest for use in beam-intercepting devices. As such, samples of multiple beryllium grades (PF-60, S-65F, S-200F, S-200FH, and ultra-high purity) were irradiated in the RaDIATE BLIP irradiation and subsequently shipped to PNNL for post irradiation examination. To date, dimensional measurements of irradiated samples and tensile tests of irradiated and unirradiated...
Ferran Boix Pamies
12/12/2019, 12:20
Oral presentation
ISAC-TRIUMF operates targets under proton irradiation in the high-power regime of 50 kW to produce radioactive isotope beams using the ISOL method. During irradiation, high-energy protons passing through the ISOL target are available for studies of radiation damage in materials. Additionally, the existing hot-cell capabilities for the routine maintenance of target components allow immediate...