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20–25 Jul 2025
America/Vancouver timezone
Registration and Abstract submission is OPEN

We are excited to announce that the 16th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance (μSR2025) will be held in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada on July 20-25th, 2025. The μSR conference is an international event held every three years. The last conference was held in Parma, Italy in 2022. 

View of St. John's harbour.

The conference is being jointly organized by the Centre for Molecular and Materials Science at TRIUMF, Simon Fraser University, the University of British Columbia, and Memorial University of Newfoundland. It will cover all aspects of the use of muon spectroscopy and β-NMR in condensed matter, materials and molecular sciences, such as 

  • Magnetism
  • Superconductivity
  • Hydrogen isotopes in matter
  • Spintronics
  • Energy storage materials
  • Polymers and biomaterials
  • Thin films, surfaces and interfaces

while also considering applications of muons in other areas, such as elemental analysis, nuclear physics, cultural heritage, and the study of single event failures arising from the irradiation of microelectronics.

The conference will consist of invited and contributed talks as well as poster sessions. The proceedings of the µSR2025 conference will be published. Details to be determined.  

The conference will be held at the Delta Hotels St. John's Conference Centre, 120 New Gower Street, St. John's, NL, A1C 6K4. St. John's is the oldest and most easterly city in North America, and Newfoundland and Labrador's capital. Although in Canada, it’s closer to ISIS (3,660 km) and PSI (4,480 km) than it is to TRIUMF (5,022 km)!

Please contact local organizers at if you have any questions.


The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.