Jumpei Yasuda
(Department of Physics, Kyushu University)
The Gamow-Teller (GT) transition is one of the basic excitation modes in nuclei. In medium or heavier mass region, the collectivity in this mode exhibits the GT giant resonance (GTGR), which gives information critically important for understanding the isovector part of effective nucleon-nucleon interaction[1]. Experimentally, charge-exchange (CE) reactions at intermediate energies have been used to extract the GT transition strength. Recently, the GT transitions from unstable nuclei can be studied by the development of a new experimental technique of CE (p,n) measurements in inverse kinematics[2].
We performed the measurement of the $^{132}$Sn(p,n) reaction at 220 MeV/u in inverse kinematics at RIBF in order to extract GT transitions strength from the key doubly-magic nuclei $^{132}$Sn. This is an essential step for establishing comprehensive theoretical models for nuclei situated in between $^{78}$Ni and $^{208}$Pb.
The experiment was carried out by using the Wide-angle Inverse-kinematics Neutron Detectors for SHARAQ (WINDS)[3] and the large acceptance SAMURAI spectrometer[4]. A secondary beam of $^{132}$Sn was transported onto a 10-mm thick liquid hydrogen target, which was surrounded by WINDS to detect recoil neutrons. From the measured neutron time-of-flight and recoil angle, the excitation energy and center-of-mass scattering angle were determined. SAMURAI was used for tagging (p,n) reaction events with the particle identification of the outgoing heavy residues. Owing to the large momentum acceptance of SAMURAI, we can measure all the heavy fragments with different rigidities in one setting. It allows us to reconstruct the excitation energy spectrum up to high excitation energy including the GTGR. The details of experimental setup and experimental results will be presented in this talk. We also discuss the GT strength distribution on $^{132}$Sn.
[1] F. Osterfeld, Rev. Mod. Phys. 64, 491 (1992).
[2] M. Sasano et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 202501 (2011).
[3] K. Yako et al., RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep 45 137 (2012).
[4] T. Kobayashi et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 317, 294 (2013).
Primary author
Jumpei Yasuda
(Department of Physics, Kyushu University)
Attile Krasznahorkay
(MTA, Atomki)
Chao Wen
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
CheongSoo Lee
(CNS, University of Tokyo)
Daisuke Kameda
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
Daniel Bazin
(NSCL Michigan State University)
Denis Mucher
(Technical University Munich)
Evgeniy Milman
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
Genie Jhang
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
Hideaki Otsu
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
Hideyuki Sakai
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
Hiromi Sato
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
Hiroshi Suzuki
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
Hiroshi Tokieda
(CNS, University of Tokyo)
Jung Woo Lee
(Department of Physics, Korea University)
Juzo Zenihiro
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
Jyunichi Tsubota
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Keiichi Kisamori
(CNS, University of Tokyo)
Kenichiro Yoneda
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
Kentaro Yako
(CNS, University of Tokyo)
Laszlo Stuhl
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
Masaki Sasano
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
Masami Sako
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
Masanori Dozono
(CNS, University of Tokyo)
Mizuki Kurata-Nishimura
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
Mizuki Shikata
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Motoki Kobayashi
(CNS, University of Tokyo)
Motomobu Takaki
(CNS, University of Tokyo)
Nobuyuki Kobayashi
(Department of Physics, University of Tokyo)
Noritsugu Nakatsuka
(Department of Physics, Kyoto University)
Satoshi Sakaguchi
(Department of Physics, Kyushu University)
Sebastian Reichert
(Technical University Munich)
Shin'ichiro Michimasa
(CNS, University of Tokyo)
Shinsuke Ota
(CNS, University of Tokyo)
Shoichiro Kawase
(CNS, University of Tokyo)
Susumu Shimoura
(CNS, University of Tokyo)
Suwat Tangwancharoen
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
Takashi Kanamura
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Tomohiro Uesaka
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
Tomotsugu Wakasa
(Department of Physics, Kyushu University)
Toru Motobayashi
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
Toshio Kobayashi
(Department of Physics, Tohoku University)
Toshiyuki Kubo
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
Toshiyuki Sumikama
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
Valerii Panin
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
William Powell
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
Yohei Matsuda
(Konan University)
Yohei Shimizu
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
Yosuke Kondo
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Yuki Kubota
(CNS, University of Tokyo)
Zegers Remco
(NSCL Michigan State University)
hidetada baba
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
hiroyuki takeda
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
masanori Kaneko
(Department of Physics, Kyoto University)
naohito Inabe
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
naoki Fukuda
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
shunpei Koyama
(Department of Physics, University of Tokyo)
tadashi Tako
(Department of Physics, Tohoku University)
tadaski Isobe
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
tetsuya Murakami
(Department of Physics, Kyoto University)
yasuhiro Togano
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)