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Sep 17 – 22, 2023
Victoria Conference Centre
Canada/Pacific timezone
Fairmont Empress (Conference Hotel): All reservations must be made by phone or email now.

Performance of Laser Ion Source LION Operated at Brookhaven National Laboratory

Sep 18, 2023, 9:40 AM
Victoria Conference Centre

Victoria Conference Centre

Contribute Oral


Kazumasa Takahashi (Nagaoka University of Technology)


LION is a laser ion source that has been in operation at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). It is the first laser ion source to supply ion beams stably for users at a large accelerator facility in the world. LION is located at the upstream end of the heavy ion accelerator complex at BNL and supplies singly charged ion beams of various ion species. LION has been in operation from 2014 to 2023 and is planned to be upgraded. This presentation summarizes the operational performance achieved by LION.

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Primary author

Kazumasa Takahashi (Nagaoka University of Technology)


Dr Kotaro Kondo Masahiro Okamura (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Dr Megumi Sekine Shunsuke Ikeda (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY) Dr Takashiro Karino Takeshi Kanesue (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Presentation materials