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Sep 17 – 22, 2023
Victoria Conference Centre
Canada/Pacific timezone
Fairmont Empress (Conference Hotel): All reservations must be made by phone or email now.

Positive Ion Sources for Supplying with Mono/multi Charged Ions the C400 Cyclotron Devoted to the CYCLHAD Hadrontherapy Center at Caen

Sep 20, 2023, 9:30 AM
Victoria Conference Centre

Victoria Conference Centre

Contribute Oral Applications of Ion Sources


Laurent Maunoury (Normandy Hadrontherapy)


Normandy Hadrontherapy (NHa) and Ion Beam Application (IBA) are collaborating to develop a full hadrontherapy treatment solution based on a new multiparticle cyclotron. C6+ and He2+ ions will be accelerated up to 400 MeV/u and (H2)+ up to 260 MeV/u. Three different ion sources will be carried out for each accelerated particle: the mono-charged ion sources (H2)+ and low charged ion source He2+ are provided by the Polygon Physics (PP) company. The carbon ion source is under development at NHA in collaboration with IBA and PP.
The (H2)+ ion source is an industrial Tubular Ecr Source (TES) type one fitted for the needs of the NHa C400 cyclotron (60µA of (H2)+). The He2+ ion source is a classic 10GHz ECR type one with a new concept because the complete source is set inside a vacuum chamber and it runs under 10-6 mbar of gas residual pressure. The 12C6+ ion source is also an ECR type ion source operating at 14.5GHz frequency. Its design is under progress to produce a beam of naked carbon with a high stability and reproducibility.
The article will present the External Injection System of the NHa C400 cyclotron, hence it will focus on the experimental results obtained with the (H2)+ ion source and preliminary outputs from the He2+ ECRIS. A presentation of the multicharged ECRIS design dedicated to the 12C6+ production will be done.

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Primary author

Laurent Maunoury (Normandy Hadrontherapy)


Mr Dominique Bérard (Polygon Physics) Mr Guillaume Collignon (Ion Beam Application) Mr Julien Perrussel (Polygon Physics) Dr Pascal Sortais (Polygon Physics) Mr Philippe Paliard (Polygon Physics) Dr Philippe Velten (Normandy Hadrontherapy) Mr Vincent Engelen (Ion Beam Application) Mr Xavier Donzel (Ion Beam Application)

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