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18–23 Aug 2024
Whistler Conference Centre
America/Vancouver timezone
Proceedings deadline: OCTOBER 18, 2024

Recent Results and Prospects of the SCRIT Electron Scattering Facility

19 Aug 2024, 17:45
Garibaldi A

Garibaldi A

Contributed Oral Instrumentation and Facilities Applications, Facilities & Instrumentation


Kyo Tsukada (ICR, Kyoto University)


The world's first electron scattering off online-produced Radioisotope (RI) was successfully conducted at the SCRIT electron scattering facility. Electron scattering stands out as one of the most potent and reliable tools for investigating the structure of atomic nuclei, owing to the well-understood mechanism of electromagnetic interaction.

Despite a long-standing desire to explore exotic features of short-lived unstable nuclei through electron scattering, it has been impeded by the difficulty in preparing thick targets. However, we have recently achieved a significant milestone by realizing electron scattering from 137Cs, which was generated via the photo-fission of uranium and promptly transferred to the SCRIT system for trapping within a short time.

This experiment serves as a noteworthy emulation of electron scattering from short-lived unstable nuclei produced online, especially considering future upgrades to the power of the ISOL driver. In this contribution, we will present recent progress and prospects of the SCRIT electron scattering facility. Additionally, we will discuss several topics that may only be feasible in the future using the SCRIT method.

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Primary author

Kyo Tsukada (ICR, Kyoto University)


Dr Akitomo Enokizono (RIKEN Nishina Center) Mr Clement Legris (ELPH, Tohoku University) Mr Daiki Abe (ELPH, Tohoku University) Ms Hikari Wauke (ELPH, Tohoku University) Mr Kazushi Ishizaki (ELPH, Tohoku University) Prof. Kazuyoshi Kurita (Rikkyo University) Ms Mariko Tachibana (ICR, Kyoto University) Dr Masahiro Hara (RIKEN Nishina Center) Prof. Masanori Wakasugi (ICR, Kyoto University) Ms Rika Danjo (ELPH, Tohoku University) Dr Ryo Ogawara (ICR, Kyoto University) Mr Satoru Yoshida (ICR, Kyoto University) Dr Shin'ichi Ichikawa (RIKEN Nishina Center) Dr Syun Iimura (Rikkyo University) Prof. Tadaaki Tamae (ELPH, Tohoku University) Mr Taiga Goke (ELPH, Tohoku University) Dr Tetsuya Ohnishi (RIKEN Nishina Center) Prof. Toshimi Suda (ELPH, Tohoku University) Dr Toshitada Hori (RIKEN Nishina Center) Mr Tsubasa Yamano (Rikkyo University) Dr Yasushi Abe (RIKEN Nishina Center) Mr Yoshiki Maehara (ICR, Kyoto University) Dr Yuki Honda (ELPH, Tohoku University) Mr Yuki Ito (ICR, Kyoto University) Mr Yusei Maeda (ICR, Kyoto University) Mr Yuuma Ishikura (ELPH, Tohoku University)

Presentation materials