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18–23 Aug 2024
Whistler Conference Centre
America/Vancouver timezone
Proceedings deadline: OCTOBER 18, 2024

Exploring Nuclei at the Edge of Nuclear Landscape

23 Aug 2024, 09:00
Rainbow Theatre

Rainbow Theatre

Invited Talk Nuclear Reactions Plenary


Takashi Nakamura


How many more neutrons can be added to a given atomic nucleus, and how do such extremely neutron-rich nuclei behave? These are fundamental questions for understanding nuclear structure and relevant nuclear interactions at the edge of stability of nuclei, the driplines. I will show the recent progress of spectroscopic studies of neutron-rich nuclei near and beyond the neutron drip line using direct reactions. After introducing the characteristic experimental methods with a variety of direct reactions, I focus on some of the selected experimental studies at RIBF, RIKEN. I show the first observation of the candidate doubly magic nucleus, 28O (Z=8, N=20)[1], beyond the neutron drip line. I also show the study of the deformed halo nuclei, such as 31Ne in the island of inversion, by using the combinations of different direct reactions: Coulomb breakup, inelastic scattering, and nucleon knockout reactions. Future perspectives on the spectroscopy of such extremely neutron-rich nuclei are also discussed.
[1] Y. Kondo et al., Nature 620, 964 (2023).

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