3:30 PM
Transition sum rules in the no-core shell model
Hayden Frye
3:40 PM
Precision Study of Charge Radii for Boron Isotopes
Tobias Gesser
3:50 PM
7Li in the no-core shell model with continuum framework with coupling of mass partitions
Jakub Herko
4:00 PM
Consistent Description of Collective Excitations in the In-Medium (S)RPA
Michelle Muller
4:10 PM
Deformed natural orbitals for ab initio calculations
Alberto Scalesi
4:20 PM
Perturbative computations of nucleon-nucleon scattering observables using chiral EFT up to N3LO
Oliver Thim
4:30 PM
Application of Scaled Natural Orbitals to Radii and E2 Observables in the NCSM
Lisa Wagner
4:40 PM
Non-scalar Extensions and Applications of the Multi-Reference IM-SRG
Cedric Wenz
4:50 PM
G-Equivariant Architectures for Many body Systems
Jose Munoz