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Jul 22 – 26, 2024
America/Vancouver timezone


Poster Session

Jul 24, 2024, 4:30 PM
Outside MOB ("fire lane")

Outside MOB ("fire lane")


Poster Session

  • Katherine Pachal (TRIUMF)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Ashley Ferreira ([to update account]), Mahip Singh (to update account)
7/24/24, 4:30 PM
Signy Spencer (to update account)
7/24/24, 4:31 PM
Daniel Hedji (to update account)
7/24/24, 4:32 PM
Grace Dehnel (to update account)
7/24/24, 4:33 PM
Gabriel Gorbet (to update account)
7/24/24, 4:34 PM
Devon Joseph (to update account)
7/24/24, 4:35 PM
Dinel Anthony (to update account)
7/24/24, 4:36 PM
Annabelle Grimes (to update account)
7/24/24, 4:38 PM
Emma Ghelfi (to update account)
7/24/24, 4:39 PM
Alexander Katrusiak (TRIUMF and Queens University)
7/24/24, 4:40 PM
River Tranter-Tiffin (to update account)
7/24/24, 4:46 PM
Peter Dasiukevich (to update account)
7/24/24, 4:51 PM
Aveen Mahon (to update account)
7/24/24, 4:52 PM
Josephine Brewster (TRIUMF and University of Victoria)
Iroise Casandjian (TRIUMF and McMaster University), Lucas Backes (TRIUMF and McGill University)
Ricky Mizuta (TRIUMF and UBC)
Madison Daignault (TRIUMF and Simon Fraser University), Meghan Kostashuk (TRIUMF and McMaster University)
Takato Sugisaki (TRIUMF and Osaka University and Open-it and KEK)
Ruth Gregory (TRIUMF and University of Victoria)
Khurshid Usmanov (TRIUMF and University of Waterloo)
Alexander Katrusiak (TRIUMF and Queens University), Defne Tanyer (TRIUMF and University of Waterloo)
Jessica Bohm (TRIUMF and University of Waterloo)
Annabelle Czihaly (TRIUMF and University of Victoria)
Building timetable...