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18–23 Aug 2024
Whistler Conference Centre
America/Vancouver timezone
Proceedings deadline: OCTOBER 18, 2024

First Observation of New Isotopes at FRIB

19 Aug 2024, 15:05
Rainbow Theatre

Rainbow Theatre

Contributed Oral Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Reactions I


Oleg B. Tarasov (FRIB / MSU)


The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) [1] is currently providing primary beams of up to 300 MeV/u (most mid-mass beams are available at about 250 MeV/u) at 10 kW beam power. With this new facility and as the beam power is increased, FRIB is poised to provide access to a wide range of rare isotope beams. In this contribution, the initial results of the observation of new isotopes at FRIB [2] will be discussed. These isotopes were generated through the interaction of a $^{198}$Pt beam with a carbon target at an energy of 186 MeV/u and with a primary beam power of 1.5 kW. Particle identification of A, Z, and q for the reaction products was conducted event by event, combining measurements of energy loss, time of flight, magnetic rigidity, and total kinetic energy. These findings are compared to NSCL results with a 198Pt beam at an energy of 85 MeV/u [3]. This successful new isotope search took place within a year of FRIB's initiation, showcasing the facility's discovery potential. FRIB, already providing access to a wide range of rare isotope beams at the current primary beam power level of 10 kW, anticipates reaching the full 400 kW capacity.


  1. T. Glasmacher et al., Nuclear Physics News 27,28(2017).
  2. O.B. Tarasov et al., accepted in PRL, 2023.
  3. K. Haak et al., PRC 108, 034608 (2023).
Funding Agency DOE DE-SC0023633, NSF PHY-20-12040, PHY-23-10078
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Primary authors

Oleg B. Tarasov (FRIB / MSU) Prof. Alexandra Gade (FRIB / MSU) Dr Kei Fukushima (FRIB / MSU) Dr Marc Hausmann (FRIB / MSU) Dr Elaine Kwan (FRIB / MSU) Dr Mauricio Portillo (FRIB / MSU) Dr Mallory Smith (FRIB / MSU) Dr Deuk Soon Ahn (CENS, IBS, Korea) Prof. Daniel Bazin (FRIB / MSU) Dr Roman Chyzh (FRIB / MSU) Dr Simon Giroud (FRIB / MSU) Mr Kenneth Haak (FRIB / MSU) Dr Toshiyuki Kubo (RIKEN, Japan) Prof. David J. Morrissey (FRIB / MSU) Prof. Peter N. Ostroumov (FRIB / MSU) Mr Isaiah Richardson (FRIB / MSU) Prof. Bradley M. Sherrill (FRIB / MSU) Prof. Andreas Stolz (FRIB / MSU) Mr Shane Watters (FRIB / MSU) Dr Dirk Weisshaar (FRIB / MSU) Dr Tong Zhang (FRIB / MSU)

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