(New) Models of Baryogenesis and How to Find Them (in session "Evening 4 - Feb. 17, 2024")
A Calibration System for the nEXO Muon Veto (in session "Morning 5 - Feb. 18, 2024")
A Data-Directed Paradigm for Resonance Detection at the LHC (in session "Morning 4 - Feb. 17, 2024")
Advancements in SiPM Characterization and Optical Simulations for Noble-Liquid Detectors in Nuclear Physics (in session "Morning 4 - Feb. 17, 2024")
Advancing Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Indigenization in Astroparticle Physics (in session "Morning 2 - Feb. 16, 2024")
ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Upgrades for High-Luminosity LHC (in session "Morning 3 - Feb. 17, 2024")
Bayesian Constraints of Quark Gluon Plasma Properties (in session "Morning 1 - Feb. 16, 2024")
Commissioning of a Pair of Commercial Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM) for the Position Calibration of HVMAPS Using Cosmic-Ray Muons (in session "Morning 1 - Feb. 16, 2024")
Compton Step Calibration Feasibility Study for SuperCDMS SNOLAB Detectors (in session "Evening 3 - Feb. 16, 2024")
Constraining the Neutron Capture Rate for 90Sr through β-Decay into the Short-Lived 91Sr Nucleus (in session "Evening 1 - Feb. 15, 2024")
Constraints to the Equation of State from Relic Neutrinos (in session "Morning 6 - Feb. 18, 2024")
Data Analysis for the NEWS-G Dark Matter Experiment (in session "Evening 2 - Feb. 16, 2024")
Design of a cryogenic capacitive liquid level sensor (in session "Morning 6 - Feb. 18, 2024")
Detecting Velocity Dependent Milli-Magnetic Dark Abelian Monopoles at the LHC (in session "Evening 4 - Feb. 17, 2024")
Direct Measurements of Astrophysical Capture Reactions using Recoil Separators (in session "Evening 1 - Feb. 15, 2024")
Enhancing Measurement Precision in PVES Experiments: The Impact of Bayesian Analysis on the Results of the Qweak and MOLLER Experiments (in session "Morning 1 - Feb. 16, 2024")
First Observation of the Production of a Boson in Association with Two Photons in Proton-Proton Collisions at the Large Hadron Collider with the ATLAS Detector (in session "Morning 3 - Feb. 17, 2024")
Highly-Charged Radioactive Molecules: Amplifying Sensitivity for New Physics (in session "Morning 4 - Feb. 17, 2024")
Identifying New Long-Lived Particles (LLPs) Using Graph Neural Networks with the ATLAS Detector (in session "Morning 3 - Feb. 17, 2024")
Investigating Nuclear Shell Evolution in Neutron-Rich Calcium Isotopes (in session "Evening 1 - Feb. 15, 2024")
Machine Learning for Signal Processing in the NEWS-G Experiment (in session "Evening 2 - Feb. 16, 2024")
Measurement of 59Cu(p,alpha)56Ni Reaction Rate to Constrain the Flow of nu p-Process (in session "Evening 1 - Feb. 15, 2024")
Measuring Alpha Scintillation Quenching Factors in Argon Using the Argon-1 Detector (in session "Morning 4 - Feb. 17, 2024")
Observation of Highly Forbidden M1 Transition in 7s-8s Transition in Francium (in session "Evening 4 - Feb. 17, 2024")
Opening (in session "Evening 1 - Feb. 15, 2024")
Photon-Dark Photon Conversion with Multiple Level Crossings (in session "Evening 4 - Feb. 17, 2024")
Photon-to-Digital Converter for Large Scale Noble Liquid Detectors (in session "Morning 2 - Feb. 16, 2024")
PICO-500 Detector Calibrations (in session "Evening 3 - Feb. 16, 2024")
Precise Measurement of Photomultiplier Tube Non-Linearity for the MOLLER Experiment (in session "Morning 1 - Feb. 16, 2024")
Precision Measurement of Hyperfine Splitting in Antihydrogen (in session "Morning 4 - Feb. 17, 2024")
Preparations for Stark-Interference Type Measurements in Francium (in session "Morning 4 - Feb. 17, 2024")
Quadratic Level Full Electroweak Leptonic Corrections with Covariant Approach (in session "Morning 1 - Feb. 16, 2024")
Quantum Machine Learning Towards the Development of Automated Analysis of Data from Large-Scale Gamma-Ray Spectrometers (in session "Morning 2 - Feb. 16, 2024")
Search for Emerging Jets with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC (in session "Morning 3 - Feb. 17, 2024")
Search for Low Mass Dark Photons at the Belle II Experiment (in session "Evening 2 - Feb. 16, 2024")
Search for the X-17 Particle in Montreal (in session "Evening 2 - Feb. 16, 2024")
Searching for New Physics with Pions (in session "Morning 5 - Feb. 18, 2024")
Silicon Photonics Based Optical Communication System for Large Scale Physics Experiments (in session "Morning 2 - Feb. 16, 2024")
Simulation of Cosmogenic Backgrounds to nEXO (in session "Morning 5 - Feb. 18, 2024")
Student Award Ceremony and Closing of the Conference
Studies of 198Hg(d, d’) Inelastic Scattering Reaction (in session "Evening 1 - Feb. 15, 2024")
Studying Systematic Uncertainties of the TUCAN EDM Experiment (in session "Morning 4 - Feb. 17, 2024")
Testing and Characterization of SuperCDMS HV Detectors at CUTE (in session "Evening 3 - Feb. 16, 2024")
Thallium-208 as a Real-Time Signal for Probing Heavy Element Synthesis (in session "Evening 1 - Feb. 15, 2024")
The Photon Self-Energy and its Implications for Dark Matter Searches (in session "Morning 6 - Feb. 18, 2024")
The PICO-500 Dark Matter Experiment (in session "Evening 3 - Feb. 16, 2024")
The search for neutrinoless double beta decays with nEXO (in session "Evening 2 - Feb. 16, 2024")
Through Thick and Tin: Investigating Tin Isotopes Approaching N=Z Nuclei (in session "Morning 2 - Feb. 16, 2024")
Towards Optical Wavelength Readout of Acoustic Superfluid Helium in Ultralight Dark Matter Detection (HeLiOS) (in session "Morning 2 - Feb. 16, 2024")
Unraveling Secrets of the Universe, One Barium Ion at a Time: A Barium Tagging Technique for the nEXO Experiment (in session "Morning 5 - Feb. 18, 2024")
Upgrades at the TITAN Penning Trap for Tests of the Standard Model (in session "Evening 1 - Feb. 15, 2024")
VUV SPAD Technologies for Neutrino Experiments (in session "Morning 5 - Feb. 18, 2024")
Welcome and notes (in session "Morning 1 - Feb. 16, 2024")
Welcome and notes (in session "Morning 3 - Feb. 17, 2024")
What Has the LHC Taught Us about the Standard Model? (in session "Morning 3 - Feb. 17, 2024")
Include materials from selected contributions