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15–18 Feb 2024
Mt. Bromont
Canada/Eastern timezone

Compton Step Calibration Feasibility Study for SuperCDMS SNOLAB Detectors

16 Feb 2024, 21:45
Salon AB (Hotel Chateau Bromont)

Salon AB

Hotel Chateau Bromont

Contributed Oral Dark Matter Searches Evening 3 - Feb. 16, 2024


Ata Sattari (University of Toronto)


SuperCDMS SNOLAB will be a direct detection experiment with world-leading sensitivity to low-mass dark matter (DM) that employs cryogenic silicon and germanium calorimeters. SNOLAB detectors are expected to exhibit a non-linear energy response, necessitating calibration signatures across the entire energy range of interest. A calibration method proposed for silicon-based detectors is to use Compton steps that provide two energy signatures at ∼0.1 keV and ∼2 keV crucial for sub-GeV DM searches. Compton steps calibration has been explored at test facilities running SuperCDMS silicon high-voltage, eV-scale (HVeV) prototype detectors. In this talk, we will present the status of the Compton step calibration and discuss numerous challenges associated with this technique.

Your current academic level, PhD student
Your Email
Affiliation University of Toronto
Supervisor Prof. Miriam Diamond
Supervisor Email

Primary author

Ata Sattari (University of Toronto)

Presentation materials