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15–18 Feb 2024
Mt. Bromont
Canada/Eastern timezone

Quadratic Level Full Electroweak Leptonic Corrections with Covariant Approach

16 Feb 2024, 09:00
Salon AB (Hotel Chateau Bromont)

Salon AB

Hotel Chateau Bromont

Contributed Oral QCD and Hadrons Morning 1 - Feb. 16, 2024


Mr Mahumm Ghaffar


In order to search for the physics beyond the Standard Model at the precision frontier, it is sometimes essential to account for Next-to-Next- Leading Order (NNLO) theoretical corrections. Using the covariant approach, we calculated the full electroweak leptonic tensor up to quadratic (one loop squared) NNLO (α3) order, which can be used for the processes like e^− p and μ^− p scattering relevant to MOLLER (background studies) and MUSE experiments, respectively. In the covariant approach, we apply unitary cut of Feynman diagrams and separate them into leptonic and hadronic currents and hence, after the squaring matrix element, we can obtain differential cross section up to NNLO level.
In this presentation, I will quickly review covariant approach and provide our latest results for quadratic QED and Electroweak corrections to e^− p and μ^− p scattering processes.

Your current academic level, PhD student
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Affiliation Memorial University of Newfoundland
Supervisor Aleksandrs Aleksejevs
Supervisor Email

Primary author

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