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21–22 Jun 2024
America/Vancouver timezone

List of participants

Onsite participants (20):

  • Diego Bettoni (C12)
  • Angela Bracco (WG9 chair)
  • Iris Dillmann (WG9 secretary)
  • Paolo Giubellino (FAIR/GSI)
  • Jeter Hall (SNOLAB)
  • Byungsik Hong (ANPhA)
  • Seung-Woo Hong (RAON)
  • Oliver Kester (TRIUMF, Director Accelerator Division)
  • Marek Lewitowicz (NUPECC)
  • Eugenio Nappi (INFN, invited)
  • Petr Navratil (TRIUMF, Interim Director Physical Sciences Division)
  • Naohito Saito (KEK)
  • Hiro Sakurai (RIKEN)
  • Nigel Smith (TRIUMF)
  • Oliver Stelzer-Chilton (TRIUMF, Chair Can. NSERC-IUPAP Liaison Comm.)
  • Bob Tribble (WG9 past chair)
  • Wim van Oers (WG9 past secretary) (tbc)
  • Eberhard Widmann (C12 secretary)
  • Mathis Wiedeking (C12)
  • Jin-Hee Yoon (C12 secretary elect)
  • ...

Remote participants:

  • Navin Alahari (WG16)
  • Ani Aprahamian (C12 chair)
  • Maria Borge (C12 chair elect)
  • Abhay Deshpande (EIC)
  • Gail Dodge (US LRP)
  • Fanny Farget (C12)
  • Sean Freeman (ISOLDE)
  • Mitko Gaidarov (C12)
  • Thomas Glasmacher (FRIB)
  • Stuart Henderson (JLab)
  • Azwinndini Moronga (C12 associated member)
  • Tomo Nagae (C12)
  • Grigory Trubnikov (JINR Dubna)
  • Victor Tshivhase (iTHEMBA LABS)
  • Lijun Mao (HIAF)
  • Yanlin Ye (C12)
  • ......