IMPORTANT: please upload your talks to Indico - 24 hours before your scheduled presentation day/time.
Once your abstract has been submitted, reviewed and assigned a presentation type the contribution will be visible to you.
When it is time to upload the slides for your talk please go to 'My Contributions' from the menu selection on the left side of the page and locate your Oral Presentation.
Please name your talk "FirstNameLastName-Dayofyourtalk" (Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri) and use the pdf or ppt format.
-- Click on the title, which will open a window with your contribution.
-- Locate "Presentation Material" at the bottom of the page, and click on the pencil.
-- Choose "Add Materials to the Contribution". You can 'drag & drop' your slides or poster from the file on your computer.
For your presentation on-site
We discourage using personal computers, and last minute USB stick uploads, as this can cause security problems with our computer and delay with set up if you use your computer.
If you have problems uploading your talk to Indico, please contact the following email address:
We will have a location where a computer will be available for you to upload your talk and review, or seek assistance. UCANS11 Presentation Management team will manage all talks transferring them to the presentation computer.
PLEASE alert us if you wish for your presentation to be REMOVED from Indico. Email: