F. J. Villacorta,1,* I. Bustinduy,1 F. Sordo,1 M. Pérez,1 J. M. Porro,2,3 V. Petrenko,2,3 S. Lanceros-Méndez,2,3 M. Cárdenas,3,4 F. Fernandez-Alonso,3,5 A. Maestro,3,5 A. Arbe5 and J. Colmenero5
1 ESS-Bilbao, Bizkaia Technology Park, Laida Bidea, Building 207 B, Ground Floor, 48160 Derio, Spain
2 BCMaterials, Basque Center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures, UPV/EHU Science Park,...
Neutron scattering has proven to be one of the most powerful methods for the investigation of structure and dynamics of condensed matter on atomic length and time scales. Neutron techniques have a broad range of applications in physics, chemistry, magnetism and superconductivity, material sciences, cultural heritage, biology, soft matter, health, and environmental and climate science. A...
F. Mezei1, G. Anda2, M. Csíkos1, Á. Horváth2, A. Kocsonya1,2, P. Konik1,2, R. Mezei1, L. Rosta1,2, H. Shuai1, P. Sipos1, S. Zoletnik2 and G. Zsuga1
1Mirrotron Ltd., 2462 Martonvásár, 1517/1 hrsz. Hungary
2 HUN-REN Centre for Energy Research, 1121 Budapest, Konkoly Thege u. 29-33, Hungary
The compact neutron source project LvB is being completed by a consortium of Mirrotron Ltd and HUN-REN...
Birmingham’s high flux neutron facility utilises a high power electrostatic accelerator to provide currents of over 30 mA, at 2.6 MeV, onto a rotating lithium target. This gives neutron yields of >3x1013 neutrons/sec via the 7Li(p,n)7Be reaction. This intense and versatile source enables a wide range of research activities including materials damage, medical physics and...