At RIKEN we have developed compact neutron source systems for on-site quantitative evaluation for practical use. There are two major goals of our RANS Project’s research and development. One is to establish and realize CANS (Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Source) models that can be easily operated, non-destructively measured, and quantitatively evaluated, as a floor-standing type for...
Neutron sources play a pivotal role for society providing neutrons as a powerful tool for research and broad range of applications. In recent years, new generation of low energy driven neutron sources collectively known as Compact Accelerator-Based Neutron Sources (CANS) emerged, based on the significant progress in lower-energy accelerators as well as neutron production target technologies....
Neutron sources produce immense socioeconomic value, and this value must be objectively measured and clearly communicated to the governments that fund them. Yet measuring the impacts of the knowledge that is produced from research is challenging. In addition, they produce other benefits from training highly qualified people for a science and technology workforce or from other missions that are...
In an effort to close the neutron gap in Canada a prototype, compact accelerator-based neutron source for Canada (PC-CANS) is proposed for installation at the University of Windsor. The PC CANS is envisaged to serve two neutron science instruments, a boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) station and a beamline for fluorine-18 radioisotope production for positive emission tomography. To serve...
Moderators are essential parts of neutron sources for neutron scattering experiments for both accelerator and reactor based sources. In accelerator driven sources particularly spallation sources it is much easier and more cost effective to change performance by changing the moderator than by changing the accelerator. The balance of neutron flux, brightness, resolution, and energy...
The accelerator-based D-D/D-T fusion neutron source, with mono-energy and high-intensity, is the key equipment to carry out the advanced research of neutron physics and neutron application technology, which provide reliable neutron source for basic research of neutron physics, new nuclear energy utilization system research and development, fusion device research and development, nuclear...