Within the remit of the IKUR strategy in the Basque Country [1], we have recently embarked on a critical assessment of available technologies for the provision of neutrons across low-flux compact space. One important aspect of these activities relates to the implementation of scientific and technological demonstrators, with an initial focus on construction materials of direct relevance to the...
One of the challenges to overcome for commercial lithium-ion batteries (LIB) is suppression of power-storage degradation due to charge-discharge cycles. Some of the present authors (K. Kino and T. Fujiwara) and their collaborators previously reported nonuniform degradation of LIBs nondestructively and quantitatively by a Bragg-edge imaging experiment conducted at a large neutron facility, the...
Neutron Beam System (NBS) based on electrostatic proton accelerator designed for accelerator-based Boron-Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) has been installed in Xiamen Humanity Hospital, China. The NBS is used for patient treatments since October 2023, after more than a year of preliminary studies. By the end of 2024, more than 50 treatments were served. NBS uptime during 2024 was above 96%....
As it has been reported that bridges collapsed and many serious damages occurred due to chloride attack of concrete structure all over the world, strong demands have been addressed to urgent requirement of a non-destructive on-site measuring techniques which can measure the chloride ion concentration in concrete structures distributed from the surface to steel bar. To meet them, we have...