Science using neutrons in the nanometer (nm) wavelength region as probes is expanding into a wide range of fields, from basic research in materials and life science to industrial applications. Dramatic increase in the intensity of the beam source is required to drive such research. We have focused on coherent scattering caused by nano-sized particle aggregations to increase the intensity of...
In order to enhance the intensity of neutron beams, attention has been focused on the coherent scattering caused by nano-sized particle aggregations, and the use of nanodiamonds has been actively considered. Graphene, which has a sp2 carbon crystal structure, has a large van der Waals force compared to sp3 carbon crystal structure such as nanodiamond, and the bonding force between carbon atoms...
Historically, the cold moderators first operating in neutron sources were liquid hydrogen and solid methane at temperatures near 20 K. Even today a preferred option for accelerator-based cold neutron sources is liquid para-hydrogen, because it is not subject to polymerization due to radiolysis, as in the case of hydrocarbon moderators. An extensive amount of information has been produced for...
The NEPIR (NEutron and Proton Irradiation) facility at the SPES (Selective Production of Exotic Species) project at LNL-INFN (Italy), is designed to serve as a unique fast neutron irradiation facility in Italy and a reference point for applied and basic science as well as industrial applications. Driven by the SPES cyclotron, which delivers 35-70 MeV protons at maximum currents of 500 μA,...