A Cherenkov fiber-based safety shut-off system for the ARIEL e-Linac at TRIUMF (in session "Evening 3 - Dark Matter Searches")
A Hybrid Type I + III Inverse Seesaw Mechanism in $U(1)_{R-L}$-symmetric MSSM (in session "Morning 3 - Neutrino physics")
Advancing Dark Matter Detection with the PICO-500 Bubble Chamber (in session "Evening 2 - Dark Matter Searches")
Application of DeepSets Machine Learning in FPGA to Improve the ATLAS L0 Global Trigger for HL-LHC (in session "Morning 4 - Particle Physics")
Atom-at-a-time Chemistry: From Actinides to Superheavies (in session "Morning 1 - Nuclear Physics")
Atomic Magnetometers for the TUCAN EDM experiment (in session "Morning 5 - Nuclear physics, BSM physics")
Ba-Tagging Technique for Liquid Xenon Based Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay Searches (in session "Morning 3 - Neutrino physics")
Characterizing SuperCDMS detectors in the CUTE facility at SNOLAB (in session "Evening 3 - Dark Matter Searches")
Cooling Analyses of HV-MAPS detector for the Compton Polarimeter in Hall A of JLab (in session "Morning 2 - Particle Physics")
Current results and a future outlook for very large neutrino telescopes (in session "Morning 3 - Neutrino physics")
Development of a calorimeter for the next-generation rare pion decay experiment: PIONEER (in session "Morning 2 - Particle Physics")
Development of a Novel Magnet for the HAICU Hydrogen Fountain (in session "Morning 2 - Particle Physics")
Direct Measurements of (α,n) Reactions Using the DEMAND Array with DRAGON (in session "Morning 5 - Nuclear physics, BSM physics")
Effectively Exploring New Physics: EFT interpretation of ATLAS Run-2 data on the WZ → llνl channel (in session "Evening 4 - Electroweak/Higgs physics, BSM physics")
Efficiency study of the displaced muon reconstruction for dark photon search with ATLAS detector (in session "Morning 4 - Particle Physics")
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in STEM Research (in session "Evening 1 - Nuclear physics")
Exploring the unknown facets of the visible universe through the lens of rare isotopes (in session "Evening 1 - Nuclear physics")
From Spin to Structure: Beam Spin Asymmetry in Exclusive Pion Electroproduction (in session "Morning 6 - QCD and Hadrons")
Highly-Charged Radioactive Molecules: Amplifying Sensitivity for New Physics (in session "Morning 1 - Nuclear Physics")
HVP Contributions to Muon $g-2$: QCD Constraints Using Inequalities and Sum Rules (in session "Morning 6 - QCD and Hadrons")
In-Situ combination of jet uncertainties and the production of jet calibrations for the ATLAS detector (in session "Morning 4 - Particle Physics")
Innovative radon removal system for dark matter searches using silver-zeolite adsorbent (in session "Evening 3 - Dark Matter Searches")
Investigating a Mystery: Poor Modelling of Forward Jet Production Rate For Recent ATLAS Data (in session "Evening 4 - Electroweak/Higgs physics, BSM physics")
Investigating Energy Mixing Dynamics of Magnetically Trapped Antihydrogen (in session "Morning 5 - Nuclear physics, BSM physics")
Investigation of N=32 Shell Closure through $^{50}$Ca(d,p)$^{51}$Ca (in session "Evening 1 - Nuclear physics")
Jet and photon tomography of the nuclear medium created in heavy-ion collisions (in session "Morning 6 - QCD and Hadrons")
Jet broadening in a viscous nuclear medium (in session "Morning 6 - QCD and Hadrons")
KDK+: The Enhanced LSC Stability Experiment (in session "Evening 4 - Electroweak/Higgs physics, BSM physics")
Locked in a Dark and Dusty Basement: Field Emission and Particulate Contamination in the TRIUMF e-Linac (in session "Evening 3 - Dark Matter Searches")
Machine Learning Approaches to Segmentation for Reconstruction in the ATLAS Calorimeter (in session "Morning 4 - Particle Physics")
Measurements of Cross Section Enhancement of $^7\mathrm{Li}(^1\mathrm{H}, \alpha)\alpha$Reaction in Four Lithium Bearing Materials (in session "Evening 1 - Nuclear physics")
Mirror Symmetry in the f7/2 Shell below 56Ni: Excited States and Electromagnetic Transition Rates in 55Ni and 55Co (in session "Evening 1 - Nuclear physics")
Nuclear/element production by supernovae, measured by X-ray spectra (in session "Morning 5 - Nuclear physics, BSM physics")
Optimization of Event Selection for Singly- and Doubly-Charged Higgs Boson Search at ATLAS using Machine Learning Techniques (in session "Morning 4 - Particle Physics")
Probing Lepton Number Violation at Same-Sign Lepton Colliders (in session "Morning 5 - Nuclear physics, BSM physics")
Progress on the Hyper-Kamiokande multi-Photomultiplier Tubes and the Water Cherenkov Test Experiment (in session "Morning 3 - Neutrino physics")
Questions of nuclear structure: a study of 80Ge (in session "Morning 1 - Nuclear Physics")
Rare $\eta$ Decay Signal and Background Generation for JEF (in session "Morning 6 - QCD and Hadrons")
Rare Isotope Doped Superconducting Sensors as Powerful Probes of BSM Physics (in session "Evening 4 - Electroweak/Higgs physics, BSM physics")
Recent Developments and Analysis in the DEAP-3600 Experiment (in session "Evening 2 - Dark Matter Searches")
SBC-SNOLAB Material Radiopurity Campaign (in session "Evening 3 - Dark Matter Searches")
Scintillating Bubble Chambers for Rare Event Searches (in session "Evening 2 - Dark Matter Searches")
Search for dark matter with the PICO-40L C3F8 bubble chambers (in session "Evening 2 - Dark Matter Searches")
Search for Highly Ionising Particles in 13 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS Detector (in session "Morning 2 - Particle Physics")
Searching for milli-charged Dark Pions in MoEDAL MAPP (in session "Evening 2 - Dark Matter Searches")
Simulation of MAPP-1 Detector (in session "Morning 2 - Particle Physics")
Supporting Measurements for Current and Future Dark Matter Detectors with Argon-1 (in session "Evening 2 - Dark Matter Searches")
Suppression Without Shaping: DisCo Neural Network Optimization for H->µµ Decay Analysis (in session "Evening 4 - Electroweak/Higgs physics, BSM physics")
Tagging and Probing : Measuring muon trigger efficiencies with ATLAS (in session "Morning 4 - Particle Physics")
Temperature Dependent Scintillation of Plastic Scintillators between 300 K and 4 K (in session "Morning 2 - Particle Physics")
The Compton Slope Parameter and the Compton and Two Photon Spectrometer (in session "Morning 5 - Nuclear physics, BSM physics")
The first measurement of the $0^+_3$ lifetime in $^{120}$Sn using thermal neutron capture (in session "Evening 1 - Nuclear physics")
Towards a High Precision Measurement of the Hyperfine Structure of Antihydrogen (in session "Morning 2 - Particle Physics")
Unveiling Hadronic Mass Generation Through Light Meson Structure with ePIC (in session "Morning 6 - QCD and Hadrons")
Update on PionLT DEMP Factorizability studies. (in session "Morning 6 - QCD and Hadrons")
Welcome to WNPPC 2025 (in session "Evening 1 - Nuclear physics")
β-decay of 68Mn: Probing the N=40 island of inversion (in session "Morning 1 - Nuclear Physics")
Include materials from selected contributions