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13–16 Feb 2025
Banff, Alberta
Canada/Mountain timezone
Thank you everyone for making WNPPC 2025 a great success! Please join us again in Banff in 2026!

Modelling the photodetection efficiency of SiPMs from the near UV to the IR

Not scheduled
Kinnear Centre Room (KC 303) (Banff, Alberta)

Kinnear Centre Room (KC 303)

Banff, Alberta

Contributed Oral Dark Matter Searches Evening 3 - Dark Matter Searches


Austin de St Croix (TRIUMF/Queens)


Here we present an experimentally verified model for characterising the photodetection efficiency of silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs). This work has been performed in the context of improving detector response for any SiPM based experiment requiring accurate photon simulations. The model is based on comprehensive measurements of photon detection efficiency for two UV sensitive Hamamatsu and FBK devices. Measurements have been under illumination from 350-900nm at various bias voltages, angles of incidence and temperatures. This permits a detailed description of optical transmission into the device, the internal junction structure, and the probabilities of charge carriers producing avalanches.

This model is a powerful tool to aid in assessing detector performance across a range of optical inputs and characterising optical cross-talk between SiPMs, as it can be generalized to a broad range of devices. In addition, we will discuss extensions to the model including temperature dependance, internal electron transport and surface microstructure effects. Lastly, this model can inform future device design, as we hope to show the possibility of producing a silicon SPAD with a photon detection efficiency close to unity.

Your current academic level PhD student
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Affiliation Queens University
Supervisor Ken Clark
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Primary author

Austin de St Croix (TRIUMF/Queens)

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