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13–16 Feb 2025
Banff, Alberta
Canada/Mountain timezone
Thank you everyone for making WNPPC 2025 a great success! Please join us again in Banff in 2026!

Questions of nuclear structure: a study of 80Ge

14 Feb 2025, 08:45
Kinnear Centre Room (KC 303) (Banff, Alberta)

Kinnear Centre Room (KC 303)

Banff, Alberta

Invited Oral Nuclear Physics Morning 1 - Nuclear Physics


Fatima H. Garcia (Simon Fraser University)


The study of nuclear shapes has greatly benefited from the capabilities of the current generation of detector arrays, uncovering different phenomena in different regions of the nuclear chart. Shape coexistence, once thought to be quite rare is now observed to occur throughout the nuclear landscape. An experiment to study the structure of $^{80}$Ge was conducted at TRIUMF, populating excited states through the $\beta$-decay of its parent, $^{80}$Ga; the subsequent $\gamma$-rays were measured using the GRIFFIN spectrometer. Though the 6$^{-}$ ground state and 3$^{-}$ exicted state in $^{80}$Ga have very similar half-lives, 1.9 s and 1.3 s, respectively, their $\beta$-decay into excited states of $^{80}$Ge could be traced separately, allowing the expansion of the level scheme and the assignment of tentative spins to known and newly observed levels. Though the expected signal observed for shape coexistence was not found, the plethora of new levels and $\gamma$-rays has the potential to uncover interesting structure features. Results of these investigations will be presented.

Your current academic level Postdoctoral fellow
Your Email
Affiliation Simon Fraser University
Supervisor Corina Andreoiu
Supervisor Email

Primary authors

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