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13–16 Feb 2025
Banff, Alberta
Canada/Mountain timezone
Thank you everyone for making WNPPC 2025 a great success! Please join us again in Banff in 2026!

Quantifying Charge Flips for Same-Sign WW Production: Insights from the Z→ee Channel

Not scheduled
Kinnear Centre Room (KC 303) (Banff, Alberta)

Kinnear Centre Room (KC 303)

Banff, Alberta

Contributed Oral Physics Beyond the Standard Model Morning 4 - Particle Physics


Damandeep Kaur


Electron charge misidentification constitutes the most significant background in the ee decay channel and the third-largest background in the all-inclusive dileptonic channel in the ATLAS measurement of electroweak production of same-sign WW boson pairs in proton-proton collisions. Electrons in the ee channel are produced with well-defined opposite charges, making it an excellent process for studying charge misidentification (e.g., charge flips). By comparing the reconstructed charges of the two electrons with their expected opposite-charge configuration, the rate of charge flips can be quantified and scale factors that compensate for the differences between the data and the simulation can be derived. In my talk, I will discuss the various sources for the electron charge misidentification. Also, I will discuss the criteria for the measurement of charge mis-identification for the combinations of identification and isolation criteria followed by the derivation of the rates and scale factors.

Your current academic level MSc student
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Affiliation University of Victoria
Supervisor Dr. Justin Albert
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