Morning 5 - Nuclear physics, BSM physics
- Fatima Garcia (Simon Fraser University)
Almost half of the elements heavier than iron are produced through the r-process. While it is now recognized that the r-process occurs in neutron star mergers, evidence suggests additional sites must also contribute. One such possibility is core-collapse supernovae, which are predicted to be driven by the weak r-process, where heavy elements are synthesized via a series of ($\alpha$,n)...
This work aims to correct/measure the elemental abundance found in supernova remnants. XSPEC, the most widely used program for measuring elemental abundances from X-ray spectra, uses a fixed value (solar abundance) for the hydrogen and helium abundances. This is a reasonable approximation in hydrogen-rich portions of a supernova remnant such as the forward shock. However, this assumption is...
The nuclear Equation of State (EOS) represents the interactions of dense nuclear matter and is used to study astrophysical objects like neutron stars. It is directly correlated with neutron skin thickness, which is a phenomenon describing the layer of outermost neutrons observed to envelop large nuclei. The most accurate way to study neutron skin thickness is through Parity Violating Electron...
The TUCAN (TRIUMF Ultra-Cold Advanced Neutron) collaboration seeks to measure the neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM) with a sensitivity of $10^{-27}$ e·cm, a factor of 10 better than present world's best. This measurement involves monitoring the spin precession frequency of ultracold neutrons subjected to an electric field. The experiment requires a constant and uniform magnetic field...
The ALPHA (Antihydrogen Laser PHysics Apparatus) experiment, based at CERN, investigates the matter-antimatter asymmetry problem by producing and trapping neutral antihydrogen to compare it with hydrogen. ALPHA has performed the first measurement of the 1S-2S transition in antihydrogen, as well as the first observations of the ground state hyperfine splitting, 1S-2P Lyman-alpha transition, and...
Same-sign lepton colliders offer a promising environment to probe lepton number violation. In this talk, we show discuss processes that change lepton number by two units in the context of Majorana heavy neutral leptons and neutrinophilic scalars at μTRISTAN, a proposed same-sign muon collider. We will show that same-sign lepton colliders, with modest energy and luminosity requirements, can...